Today we launch The Digital Elf Project, spreading the magic of software throughout healthcare systems, such as the NHS. Welcome to readers who have come as a result of our BMJ article. For those who haven’t, here it is: An elf service for the NHS

The project takes practical steps to use small bits of IT, we call micro-projects, to reduce waste and automate workflows. It is also a Think Tank, providing policy input to Government. Most importantly it is an ever growing community of like-minded people working in the NHS, sharing ideas and experience to make things better. Magic!

The kind of articles you can expect are:

  • Introduction to programming
  • What is a micro project?
  • Tools and tips
  • Process automation
  • Quick and easy data processing
  • AI and Large Language Models
  • The future of healthcare in a digital world

We will release the other days sequentially starting on Christmas Day, along with a reminder email, so please sign-up. And a Merry Christmas to you and any elves you may have!